Update 3 - Surfacing, Lights and Electrics
Posted on 8th May 2019

With the building complete we were able to get Chris Bailey Electrical Engineers to come and start fitting the lights and electrics – no mean feat with 60 LED lights in the indoor alone!
The surface also started arriving from Combi Ride! The first load of surface into the arena looked like a thimble full and we’re sure the team from Midlands Horse Arenas thought it was a never ending task getting it all in there.
The car park was levelled and the flood lights installed, we were really excited on a cold, windy, wet night to be able to go and try out all the lights. The dogs certainly approved of being able to have a good run around without getting wet.
Planning Permission for the cafeteria and viewing gallery was approved on the 7th May so now we are able to get underway with the design and construction.

Tagged as: Progress updates
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