72 x 40 Indoor Arena

A purpose built indoor arena, fully flood lit. Can be set up with BS show jumps, arena eventing jumps, dressage boards or empty.
What is set up in the arena will be made clear on the booking system
Pricing for the Indoor Arena
Online Booking Rate*
Winter Rates
With Showjumps
1 horse for 30 minutes - £20/£25
Each additional horse - £10
with Dressage Boards
1 horse for 30 minutes - £25
Each additional horse - £10
Discount for group bookings available. Contact the office.
*Additional admin processing fees apply to all manual bookings
21 x 60 Covered Arena

The covered outdoor arena adjacent to the indoor school is also avaliable for hire. This arena is left empty but there are some jumps and wings that you can use (please put away after).
Pricing for the 21 x 60m Covered Outdoor
Online Booking Rate*
Winter Rates
1 horse for 30 minutes - £15/£20
Each additional horse - £10
Discount for group bookings avaliable. Contact the office
*Additional admin processing fees apply to all manual bookings
Hot wash & Solarium

Our hotwash and solarium is the perfect end to your visit at NVEC.
Prices for Hot wash & Kylix Solarium
£25 for 1 hr use
Cross Country Course

The grass cross country hosts an array of jumps, ranging from 30cm to 1m. With a water complex, steps, skinnies and ditches, it is the perfect local location to train.
Open March - November, weather permitting.
Prices for the Grass Cross Country
Online Booking Rate*
£20 per horse per hour
(6 rider slots can be booked seperately for the same time)
*Additional admin processing fees apply to all manual bookings
Studio Room

As part of our competition centre, NVEC is proud to offer our Studio room for hire.
It offers floor to ceiling mirrors on one wall, perfect for phyiscal activity clubs. Also available with tables and chair for meetings and training sessions. Please discuss with Sally your requirements as we are happy to accomodate.
For info on Studio Room hire
please contact info@nvec.co.uk
Find below our booking system.
Here you will find all of the hire options. Please click your desired hire option to see what date and times are avaliable.
Any vouchers must be redeemed by booking through the office so please email with the date you would like to book and quote the code on your voucher. All vouchers expire 6 months from date of issue.