Arena Hire 

72m x 40m Indoor Arena Options 
Newly built covered arena with combi ride wax track surface with speakers. Hired with or without BS standard set or Jump for Joy showjumps or dressage boards and grid work exercises. Different arena setups will be available throughout the month to provide a good variety and can be viewed on the calender for the upcoming month. Our new competition centre includes hard standing car parking, floodlights and 20 electric hook ups and three mains water taps. As well as a cafe, office and kitchen with upstairs viewing box will be opening Spring 2020. 
From the BEF website 
An indoor riding arena may be used for the following exceptions: 
Elite sports people – this is largely restricted to athletes on the World Class Programme at P1 and P2 level 
An owner of an animal kept at a riding centre 
Employees of a riding centre in order to care for and exercise horses or provide veterinary services 
Organised sport and leisure activity for disabled people and children as part of their care is permitted indoors 
Supervised activities for children or other persons who were under the age of 18 on 31 August 2020, limited to 15 participants 
Activities that form part of the core curriculum of formal education or professional/work-related training/development 
Outside the above exceptions, indoor riding arenas must remain closed until Step 2, which will be no earlier than 12 April. 
Under Step 2, indoor arenas will be allowed to open for use as a single household or bubble. There should be no mixing of households until at least Step 3 (no earlier than 17 May). The above exceptions will still apply. Update 07/04.21 - Sport England has confirmed that coaches acting in a 'workforce' capacity are exempt from the rules of gathering. This will also permit equine sport in indoor arenas to take place with a single competitor in the school at a time to complete their round/test. Indoor arenas may be used for warm up but on a 'one in, one out' basis only so only a single rider is inside at a time. 
At Step 3, the intention is that indoor arenas may be used in line with the wider social contact limits at this stage – a group of six people or two households. 
This is Defra’s current confirmed position and we ask the equestrian sector in England to operate in line with the above at this time. There is further information on the website or Sport England. 
Contact us to book an event - 07860348679